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Slumdog Millionaire

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In composing the music for acclaimed director Danny Boyle’s intoxicating new film Slumdog Millionaire, A.R. Rahman has conjured the sound of a city, fusing the frenetic scramble of daily life in Mumbai, India into beautiful fugues that ride upon the dust clouds kicked up by its everyday people.

From the movie’s first frames — with children racing through alleyways, knocking over merchants and pottery, police kicking loose clay roof tiles, disrupted birds fluttering from gutters — we hear the sound of their commotion made manifest in “O… Saya.” It’s a rumbling hybrid of Bollywood and hip-hop, a brand new collaboration between Rahman and M.I.A. It’s the kind of cinematic moment where image and sound coexist. And that’s only the first five minutes.

Filmed in the streets and slums of Mumbai, India, Boyle needed just the right music to compliment the film’s cinema verité urban realism. He turned to internationally renowned composer A.R. Rahman (a huge star in South Asia–selling more than 100 million albums worldwide and 200 million cassettes–Rahman is one of the world’s top 25 all-time top selling recording artists.) The film’s score is central to the propulsive modern grit that pervades the story, but is also a nod to classic Bollywood productions where the music is front and center. And loud. Says Rahman, “We wanted it edgy, upfront. Danny wanted it loud.”

M.I.A.’s appreciation for Bollywood music led her to record much of last year’s Kala inside A.R. Rahman’s studio in India, although the two had never worked together until now. Referring to him in URB magazine as “the Indian Timbaland,” M.I.A. obviously jumped at the chance to work on “O… Saya” with the famed composer. Rahman says, “She’s a real powerhouse. Somebody played me her CD and I thought, `Who is this girl? She came here and knew all my work, had followed my work for ages. I said, `Cut the crap, this “my idol” crap. You have to teach me.'”

M.I.A. crops up again, later in the film, with the remix of her worldwide hit “Paper Planes” seemingly made for Slumdog, as the lyrics pronounce, “Sometimes I feel like sitting on trains…” while a light blue locomotive chugs and hurls its way through India, young boys perched up top in the sepia sunlight scoping out for a scrap of food.

Other songs on the soundtrack include “Gangsta Blues,” featuring hip-hop artist BlaaZe, which flutters with the rhythms of a film projector, capturing a bit of the madness of crowds as they disperse in a thousand directions to escape the claustrophobia of back alleys. And nothing quite prepares you for the triumphant climax, the overarching ode to joy that is “Jai Ho,” closing out the film in a rousing sing-a-long that’s had film audiences burst into spontaneous applause. As Rahman told Variety, “The energy of the film takes you through a roller coaster, and that’s one of the main inspirations for the whole music.”

Slumdog Millionaire is available at Amazon for $9.99. To Order click here
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Written by slummill

February 24, 2009 at 11:10 pm

Stroker Ace

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Burt Reynolds is a champion stock-car driver who races and romances in high-speed good-ol-boy style. Year: 1983 Director: Hal Needham Starring: Burt Reynolds, Loni Anderson, Jim Nabors, Parker Stevenson

Stroker Ace is available at Amazon for $9.98. To Order click here
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Written by slummill

February 24, 2009 at 11:10 pm

Dirty Harry Ultimate Collector’s Edition

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Includes all five Dirty Harry films: all special features on the Dirty Harry Special Edition and Deluxe Editions, plus additional special features and contents specific to the Ultimate Collector’s Edition. Bonus Feature-Length documentary Clint Eastwood: Out of the Shadows; a 40+ page hardcover book; Wallet w/metal badge and removable laminated I.D. card; Five 5″x 7″ Reproduction Lobby Poster Cards plus an exclusive UCE card; Scorpio Portrait of a Killer Poster-Sized (19″ x 27″) map of San Francisco detailing Harry’s hunt for the killer; Never-Before-Seen Production Correspondence

Dirty Harry Ultimate Collector’s Edition is available at Amazon for $55.99. To Order click here
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Written by slummill

February 24, 2009 at 11:10 pm

Old Dogs: Are the Best Dogs

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Anyone who has ever loved an old dog will love Old Dogs. In this collection of profiles and photographs, Weingarten and Williamson document the unique appeal of man’s best friend in his or her last, and best, years.

This book is a tribute to every dog who has made it to that time of life when the hearing and eyesight begin to go, when the step becomes uncertain, but when other, richer traits ripen and coalesce. It is when a dog attains a special sort of dignity and a charm all his own.

If you’ve known a favorite old dog, you’ll find him or her on these pages. Your dog might go by a different name and have a different shape, but you’ll recognize him or her by the look in an eye or the contours of a life story. There is the dog who thinks he is a house cat; the herder, the fetcher, the punk and the peacock, the escape artist, the demolition artist, the patrician, the lovable lout, the amiable dope, the laughable clown, the schemer, the singer, the daredevil, the diplomat, the politician, the gourmand, and the thief. Plus, as a special bonus, you will find the first Latvian elkhounds ever photographed.

Old Dogs is a glorious gift book and a fitting tribute to that one dog you can’t ever forget.

Old Dogs: Are the Best Dogs is available at Amazon for $13.57. To Order click here
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Written by slummill

February 24, 2009 at 11:10 pm

Flag Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays)

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The popular Rookie Books expand their horizons – to all corners of the globe! With this series all about geography, emergent readers will take off on adventures to cities, nations, waterways, and habitats around the world…and right in their own backyards.

Flag Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) is available at Amazon for $5.95. To Order click here
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Written by slummill

February 24, 2009 at 11:10 pm

Bread And Wine: Readings For Lent And Easter

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From the world’s best-loved spiritual writers, here is an unparalleled gathering of reflections for Lent.

A time of self-denial, soul searching, and spiritual preparation, Lent is a fitting season for daily reading and reflection. Grouped around such themes as temptation, crucifixion, resurrection, and new life, Bread and Wine can be dipped into at leisure or used as a guide to daily devotions–and returned to at any time year for spiritual revitalization.

Selections include writings by C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, Philip Yancey, Madeline L’Engle, Henri Nouwen, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, John Donne, Thomas Merton, St. Augustine, Mother Teresa, John Updike, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and many others.

Bread And Wine: Readings For Lent And Easter is available at Amazon for $12.24. To Order click here
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Written by slummill

February 24, 2009 at 11:10 pm

Jerry Lewis – The Legendary Jerry Collection (The Bellboy / Cinderfella / The Delicate Delinquent / The Disorderly Orderly / The Errand Boy / The Family Jewels / The Ladies Man / The Nutty Professor / The Patsy / The Stooge)

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Contains: The Nutty Professor, The Ladies’ Man, The Delicate Delinquent, Cinderfella, The Bell Boy, The Errand Boy, The Patsy, The Disorderly Orderly, The Family Jewels, and The Stooge.

This 10-DVD boxed set is a delight for anyone afflicted with a susceptibility to the fractured antics of Jerry Lewis, or “Le Roi du Crazy” to the French. This set emphasizes Lewis’s busy period after the breakup with Dean Martin, when he was exerting more influence over his vehicles (six of the titles are directed by Jerry himself) and almost single-handedly keeping Paramount Pictures propped up with his box-office take. The set curiously includes one of the Martin-Lewis pictures, 1953’s The Stooge, which has echoes of the real-life vibe between Jerry and Dino.

The other titles include Lewis’s 1957 solo starring debut, The Delicate Delinquent, and his directing bow, The Bellboy (1960). The latter is an often-ingenious and plotless collection of gags with Jerry as a bellhop in Miami Beach’s Fountainebleau Hotel. His character doesn’t speak (making the connection with silent cinema more pointed), but in one uproarious sequence the obnoxious movie star “Jerry Lewis” comes to visit the hotel.

The Ladies Man puts Lewis alone in a boarding house full of women. This film’s bizarre sexual politics (and its amazing cut-away set) helps explain why French critics such as Jean-Luc Godard consider Lewis a cinematic genius–Godard actually borrowed the cut-away set idea for his film Tout va bien. The Errand Boy is a cascade of gags strung together on the set of “Paramutual Pictures,” a movie studio that employs Lewis’s klutzy gofer; it features one of Jerry’s best musical miming routines. The Patsy is another good one, as nebbish Jerry is drafted into impersonating a famous deceased celebrity, but by 1965’s The Family Jewels the inspiration is flagging a bit.

Two of the titles are directed by Lewis’s mentor, Frank Tashlin. Cinderfella works a sentimental variation on the fairy tale; it’s slow and at times mawkish, but some of Lewis’s physical stuff is top-notch. The Disorderly Orderly is livelier, with a hospital setting and some of Jerry’s most inspired babbling. The box also includes Lewis’s acknowledged high point, The Nutty Professor, in its special-edition form. Its Jekyll-and-Hyde story is still the funniest and weirdest premise Lewis ever had. There are other Lewis films out there, but this box is definitely the cream of the career. If some of the jokes haven’t aged well (and those who can’t stand his mugging won’t be convinced even by this set), Lewis still seems a more interesting filmmaker than he’s usually given credit for. Extras include some disappointing commentaries with Lewis and Steve Lawrence, plus a smattering of outtakes, some of them funny and/or revealing of Lewis’s directing technique. –Robert Horton

Jerry Lewis – The Legendary Jerry Collection (The Bellboy / Cinderfella / The Delicate Delinquent / The Disorderly Orderly / The Errand Boy / The Family Jewels / The Ladies Man / The Nutty Professor / The Patsy / The Stooge) is available at Amazon for $43.99. To Order click here
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The Five C’s of Cinematography: Motion Picture Filming Techniques

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With the aid of photographs and diagrams, this text concisely presents concepts and techniques of motion picture camerawork and the allied areas of film-making with which they interact with and impact. Included are discussions on: cinematic time and space; compositional rules; and types of editing.

The Five C’s of Cinematography: Motion Picture Filming Techniques is available at Amazon for $19.77. To Order click here
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Written by slummill

February 24, 2009 at 11:10 pm

Pass the Pigs

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For 2 or more players

Go hog wild with the pig-tastic game, Pass the Pigs. Players attempt to rack up points by rolling the pig dice – but if they’re not careful they might ‘Pig Out’ and lose all their points. Pass the Pigs is the sizzlin’ fun, shakin’ bacon game!

How’s your tolerance for puns? You’ll need some for Pass the Pigs, a simple game of chance built around a pig theme. Instead of dice, you roll two cute pink piglets, and you gain or lose points depending on how the critters land. For example, if both land on all fours, called a “double trotter,” you get 20 points; if they land lying opposite each other, called a “Pig Out,” you gain no points and cede your turn. There are a number of other rules as well as a variation called “Hog Call.” This would be a good travel game (the pigs, instructions, and scoring pad fit in a small, tidy box) or a fine present for someone who’s, well, into pigs! –Elisa Murray

Pass the Pigs is available at Amazon for $12.21. To Order click here
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Written by slummill

February 24, 2009 at 11:10 pm

Let the Good Times Roll: The Music of Louis Jordan

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LG SBPL0082302 battery Standard capacity Lithium-Ion battery is the factory original battery designed & built specifically for the LG AX355/ AX490/ AX245/ UX355/ UX490 cell phone models.LG SBPL0082302 Li-Ion Standard battery provides your LG AX355/ AX490/ AX245/ UX355/ UX490 cell phone with the standard battery capacity that originally shipped with most LG AX355/ AX490/ AX245/ UX355/ UX490 cell phone models for very good talk time. This memory free standard capacity battery is the factory original LG SBPL0082302 Li-Ion battery rated at 1100 mAh capacity.LG SBPL0082302 battery is compatible with LG AX355/ AX490/ AX245/ UX355/ UX490 cell phone models only. You Never need to condition your battery after the first 2-3 cycles! Charge the initial 24-hour battery charge with the cell phone turned off. Note that a new lithium ion battery’s full performance is only achieved after 2-3 complete charge and discharge cycles. Factory original warranty of One year applies.Supported Models and Categories:LG AX355/ UX355 Cell Phone AccessoriesLG AX490 Cell Phone Accessories

Albums consisting entirely of one artist paying tribute to another are commonplace, especially in the blues world where a particular artist’s musical heritage is easy to trace. It’s rare, though, for an artist of B.B. King’s caliber to do such a tribute, and we’re all lucky that the artist he chose to honor is Louis Jordan–the King of the Blues saluting the King of Swing. King’s clean, expressive guitar style and rough-hewn voice are so distinctive that there’s no mistaking them for anyone else’s, and hearing them applied to Jordan’s classic songs–including “Ain’t Nobody Here but Us Chickens,” “Somebody Done Changed the Lock on My Door,” “Saturday Night Fish Fry,” and “Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out”–demonstrates both King’s considerable skill and the great versatility of Jordan’s songwriting. That makes this record more than a mere curiosity, as does the stellar piano work from another living legend, Dr. John. —Genevieve Williams

Let the Good Times Roll: The Music of Louis Jordan is available at Amazon for $9.97. To Order click here
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